Due to her marriage to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle now has access to the exquisite British Crown Jewels. She reportedly owned close to 100 items of jewelry, including 26 rings, 23 bracelets, 35 pairs of earrings, and 7 necklaces.
The ex-duchess could not, of course, take all of this jewels with her after Megzit, but she still had some.
Megan was thus able to keep the pricey gifts that Harry had made even before the abdication.
Even today, Markle occasionally makes an appearance wearing Diana’s jewelry. However, it came out that Megan had spent her own money before getting married to purchase the most significant piece of jewelry in her collection.
The princess’s wife hopes to one day present her daughter Lilibet with this unique item.
Megan purchased her Cartier timepiece ten years ago. The actress then created a present for herself in celebration of the debut of Suits’ third season.
“I’ve always wanted a Cartier Tank Française watch. The shooting eventually came to an end, and I wanted to keep in mind that time because I thought it was so important. This represents my professional accomplishment. The words “MM from MM” (Meghan Markle from Megan Markle) are even etched on them, the Duchess revealed in an interview with Hello magazine.
Megan wants to give Lilibet this watch when she is older.
One day, I want to give them to my daughter. The emotional connection you have to jewelry is what makes it unique, Markle continued.